Monday, June 16, 2008

Deen Dayal Upadhaya Nagar Chowl

My Aunt's maid, Asha, was kind enough to take me on a mini tour of her neighborhood. It was so wonderful to see these winding streets filled with life and colors, busy with children running and playing with each other. They are lined with small shops, temples, and rows and rows of narrow houses that manage to fit five or six people. Here are a few shots from my walk.










Stuart Peterson said...

Gotta go back and party it up with those kids.

Anonymous said...

these are really lovely anjali. well done!

Anonymous said...

well, those are all amazing.

Tully said...

You have a lot of nice pictures and they show your progression for sure. But think deeper. Have fun for sure, but think about a story or 2 to work on. You are in a great place and have a great opportunity to show your talent beyond glorified travel pictures that everybody takes. Just something to think about. Hope you're having an awesome time and have fun!!!!

Anonymous said...

these are beautiful!

Stuart Peterson said...

If I don't see some more pictures soon I am going to explode.

Clint said...

holy shit, seriously, these are beautiful.