Sunday, March 30, 2008

Friends, Family and a Dog

It was really nice to hang out with my high school crew again over break. We spent most of our time driving around or sitting at each others' houses and talking about school. It's funny how the dynamic of our group changed so much since everyone went away to college, we sort of all get to know one another as adults.

Roxy driving Jake and I to IHOP for an awful late-night snack.

Jake and Roxy deciding what to order.


Sam arguing with Derek about something with a lot of enthusiasm. 


My cousin Shona brought her dog with her to Peoria from Chicago for Easter. I've never really been a pet person, but I hung out with this dog a lot. I even took her on a walk (which I never did for my old dog). Boxer's are really funny looking animals.

I'm the youngest grandchild in my family so we haven't had kids around at family events in long time, but my brother-in-law's sister has two kids that we see a few times a year. It's so much more fun to celebrate holidays with little ones. 

Conner focused on his Leapster game.

Story-telling madness.


Stuart Peterson said...

"Story-telling madness"???


Nice pictures.



And I like the menu picture. A lot.

Grumpy Sam said...

i am walking enthusiasm. you should put the pictures from break on facebook. and i am stealing the one from here for said book. boxers are very strange looking animals, man. you're my favorite photographer.

Fodoz said...

this is cute and poignant, if i do say. also it's good that that kid is playing leapster (genius)

katie said...

i love the menu shot!

Jake said...

Deciding what to order.... psh like it was even a question. Banana cheesecake mush, deep fried, and smothered in cold creme. Oh, and disintegrating jello in sprite.

Anjali Pinto said...

I love you Jake.